Friday, April 18, 2008

The Screwtape Letters - chapters 22-24:
I chose chapter 24 because Screwtape has really overstepped his boundaries when he attacks this Christian girl who the patient is in love with. First of all, the devil (Screwtape) will always attack a Christian because this person is a "trophy" to bring down, destroy and kill; he/she is powerful. God uses the girl to help the man through her example to be all that he can be. Also, when you have two believers, it is even more of a threat for the devil because there is twice as much power to defeat him at his game. Second, she is a great influence to the patient who is weak; he can be led through that love providing that she remains sincere and strong.
What kind of a name is "Slumtrimpet?" He must be an imp from hell; one of Screwtape's associates. What do you think he's referring to when he says, "a chink in her armour?" I believe that Screwtape is referring to the girl's attitude (chink) and her covering (armour) of faith and Christianity. He demeans her character by stating that she looks down at others who do not share the same way that she believes. He feels that she is just using this as a cover for her "real" personality which is not so pretty and Christ-like. In other words, she is putting on a "form of godliness" and a "holier than thou attitude," in thinking that she's right and they are wrong. He further states that her large quantity of ignorance and naivety as well as her small amount of spiritual pride of the girl cannot be used by him. The reason being that these are characteristics of purity and she is not a contaminated vessel. He can only use a dirty or broken vessel (weaknesses). So, he can use the patient because he is a novice with the quality of the family's Christian life and will imitate the girl's spiritual pride and will exaggerate to others which will grow into a spiritual giant (lots of PRIDE). According to Screwtape, the patient is seeing this life through enchanted glass in his love for the woman. God uses love to win another person in closer to Him through the other person where this person will imitate until it becomes rooted deep inside and a way of living. The devil (Screwtape) cannot stand it and, therefore, wants to use the man's weakness so that the pride can spill over into other areas and be consumed with the thought that although he is unworthy of the girl, he is worthy of the others because he is like them. Screwtape emphasizes how the man's happiness stems from the love for this girl and he wants to jazz it up by deterring the man in thinking he has found his own level and is equal to them. He wants to minimize the man so that he can confuse the difference between the man and who he is around (the Christians), so that he is not feeling accepted, but feeling equal. This will bring him down by bringing his outlook on them down. But the devil never stops there because his goal is to not get you to sin small or alone; his job is to get you to start small and alone so you will continue sin bigger in it and spill it over on others and including them. He accomplishes this by having Wormwood make Christianity through his patient a secret game and that he is an equal player of that game. I am repulsed at Screwtape's outlook and I see this scenario in relationships today. My thought is for everyone to stop the nonsense, grow up and let people live. This couple is not any of Screwtape's business and he probably needs a life of his own. These people need to get rid of the pride and show their real light with the love that they have for each other from God. What are your comments?


charlene medina said...

When I read this letter, I could sense some fear, as if evil felt overpowered by another unexpected drive. Falling in love is another drive, another force that the enemy has to deal with, not just the love for God.

Yessy said...

All relationships go thru difficulties. The hardest time is when dating. In this stage we don’t know the other person at all. This is a stage of discovery. Being in love is the most wonderful thing that could ever happen. The goal is to impress. It is said that’s the reason a Christian cannot date someone who has different religious beliefs because it used for the devil to take him away from God

Farmer John said...

I agree wholeheartedly with you. Screwtape is insidious, and he wants the two to feel pride, and separate. One must wonder how he came to be in his current situation. I've found his perspective fascinating, and the characterization is great, but I have kind of wondered what drove him to be the way he is. I will disagree with you on one point, though, in that I believe this is his hobby. And that just makes him that much worse.