Friday, April 4, 2008

Chapters 16-18:

Screwtape informed Wormwood that the subject "sexual temptation" does not pertain to them, meaning him and other devilish spirits. The have no need of sex. However, Screwtape feels that since Wormwood is human, he needs to know and thus, explains to him about God's and his views on the subject. Why do you think that God made spirits to not desire or need sex?

Screwtape states that the Enemy (God) places demands on human's sexual intercourse as either "complete abstinence or unmitigated monogamy." This was one of the reasons I chose to comment on chapter 16 because there are so many misconceptions concerning these issues in today's world. He states further that the former is more difficult and the latter is a way of escape. I suppose that a person could view "complete abstinence" as difficult and "unmiti- gated monogamy" as a way of escape. It is the sexual drive that God gave humans for reproduction, the desire so we would be affectionate and a heart filled with emotions to express love. I believe that in our human nature God meant sex not only for the reproducing of children but to further the expression of love to our spouse because He designed us this way. Otherwise, He would not have given us these emotions. God did not plan for us to misuse what He has given us and, therefore, He set down parameters for us to follow--not to make things difficult or unrealistic for us but to protect us from harm when we lose control. God created passionate people which are the ones that He uses the most in His service. These passions can overtake us if we do not exercise temperance and resist temptation. The reason it is difficult is because we are resisting our very nature that God gave to us. However, He also gives us strength and the Holy Spirit if we ask Him for it which helps us. The Bible states that If you cannot contain your passions, then marry because it is not wrong and it is better to marry than to burn. So, He already knows that it will be difficult.

Screwtape's idea of God providing these demands as a way of escape is not a completely accurate statement. Sex to God is permitted in the marriage because He wants us to commit to one person in life to have this privelege. Our bodies are a sacred thing to God--our temple that houses His Spirit. This is the only way that is acceptable and pure to God.

The reason that love is the only acceptable ground for marriage is first, God is all about love. He governs only in love. So, He bases this sacred institution on the very foundation of His love and requires that we love each other with His love. Sex is the act that expresses this love that you and your spouse have for each other is not meant to be exploited by sleeping around. However, love is not based on sex. Love comes from the heart where God's Spirit dwells. It is a place where God joins two people together for life. That is what binds a marriage--God--and through sex, you have joined your bodies and become one. A piece of paper does not join you. It outwardly acknowledges before people and the law that you have committed to this person. It does not make you any less married in God's eyes if you do not get it first as long as He ordains your marriage. However, this does not mean for everyone to not abstain from sex before marriage marriage, get married nor get married on paper first. This is the "ideal" way but it does not always happen that way because of circumstances. God looks upon the heart and He's the one that joins two people in marriage, not a paper. Anyone can go downtown and get married. Also, God holds only the person who is resisting to do the right thing into account and needs to make it right. Respect for one another is not gained through lust. It is gained through love. According to Screwtape, love is a foothold in God's own nature. What does he mean by that? To me, love is the binding tie in all things. And, there is something about the number 3 which represents "God's triple braided chord" which represents man, wife, and God joined together in that love.

Screwtape states that God associates affection between the two people with sexual desires. Their children are dependent on the parents and the parents feel a sense of responsibility to take care of them, thus producing a family. This is another chord--man, wife, and children. Love gives a unity of conscious and responsibility.
Any comments?

Screwtape states that God says a married couple are "one flesh" whether a man and woman like it or not. "If they entered into it obediently will produce affection and the family; that wherever the man and woman lie down together, a transcendal relation is set up between them which must be eternally enjoyed or endured." I agree with this statement because the Bible says that whoever God joins together as man and wife, let no man put asunder. That means let no one divide that marriage. Also, God was aware of what would happen in society so he made certain stipulations permitting divorce and remarriage only under those guidelines. You are to make your marriage work, both of you. Not one more than the other. And, there are scriptures that prohibit a man from ever divorcing his wife under certain circumstances. I agree with Screwtape's comment when he states that God says being in love makes marriage either happy or holy. And, the idea of marrying for any other reason is low and cynical. What are your comments on this subject?

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