Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Screwtape Letters - Chapters 19-21:

I chose chapter 20 because it clearly illustrates the devil's (Screwtape's) focus on "sexual temptation" as an ultimate weakness in order to accomplish his attack on man. Why do you think that Screwtape considers this area the "main attack?" The way is made by "darkening the person's intellect" in which their judgments are clouded. Misfortune is conceived as nothing unless it produces harm on that person and thus, increase anger. If you notice, the devil loves to feed on the emotions that are in extreme, out-of-control. It is not enough that he gets someone to "go there" but he wants that person to, for example, get angry to the point of losing their temper. According to Screwtape, it is the unexpected things of the opposite of what we want at the time, that inflame us. At this time, God expects us, first of all, to expect the unexpected and second of all, to extend courtesy at this opportune time because you do not know when He sends a person to you to be with or to help. You might be surprised as to what this person will do for you later in your time of need. The devil wants us to view this time selfishly when we should view it as not only a necessary time for ourselves but also as an opportune time for someone else. We will not become angered if we keep ourselves with this open frame of mind that the devil cannot then use. I believe that this is what Screwtape means when he states, "Let man think that his time is his own." What do you believe man's reason is--either to believe that it is his own time or believe that he has the choice in it being his own time or to give the time to someone? Screwtape believes that man should believe this is his own personal birthright because he knows that it makes man prideful and in control; this is the ultimate way to falling. The bible says that pride cometh before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction. Furthermore, Screwtape knows that it is designed in a man's spirit to not refuse the demands of his maker's, God's, Spirit and that God gave a free will to choose which the man will choose to give God whatever He asks. Why? And, why does the devil (Screwtape) choose at the moment, of darkening man's intellect with confusion, to allow man's sense of ownership to shine through and be encouraged? We promote in today's society that man owns his own body in a relationship. However, the bible states that when we marry that the husband owns the wife's body and the wife owns the husband's body and that in sex, each shall submit to the other one.
In conclusion, man really does not have full control or possession over himself or anyone else like he thinks. He has deceived his own mind in believing this and the bible reinforces this fact. Our society has taught people the "world of meism" as Screwtape emphasizes, placing our focus on self-sufficiency, inflated egos, and false pride where decisions in crucial times such as in sexual temptation cannot be made correctly. If we do not notice the different senses of the possessive pronouns where they are reduced, thus reducing the relationship--with a woman and with God--through degrading them and minimizing their value. This is the main attack--to break the image of God through man, to break the sanctified order of God in these relationships, and to demean the value of pure and sacred love, and the unity between all that He created. This is really the devil's ground of conquest to break and to take the things that God created.


Tylor said...

You definitely had a number of interesting ideas throughout your post, but I feel like the thing that rang with me the most is the question you asked within the first few sentences. You asked us why sexual temptation seemed to be the area of "main attack" for the Devil. Well, a simple came to my mind. Simply, sex and love can make people do stupid things. Just watching any teenage movie, people seem to always be portrayed as going to crazy, extreme lengths just to have sex. By having us jump through all these hurdles, I feel like the Devil can kind of direct us away from God in our pursuit towards something else.

Kenion said...

Reading your first question made me consider it with a slightly different angle. My interpretation of the story so far is that all the other methods tried have been rather unsuccessful. Apparently the patient refuses to select the right choice, won't fight with his mother, and won't become a war crazy of some sort. Perhaps the "sexual temptation" can serve as a bluff attack of a sort while other methods are used to kill a person religiously? It seems that this kind of temptation is simple to notice, some of the other methods Screwtape has mentioned seem to be a lot harder to recognize.

Yessy said...

A relationship based on sex doesn't go any where. Somebody could say is just for fun, but it hurts. This situation cannot be ignored. It leads to adultery and division of sane relationships. It causes trouble. That is why Screwtape knows for sure if somebody gets into this can of practices and relationships based on sex will mess it up the rest of somebody’s life.