Monday, March 24, 2008

The Screwtape Letters - Chapters 12-15:

From chapter 14, Screwtape's (the devil) goal is to advise Wormwood that his efforts to deter or seer the conscience of the patient will be met through centering him on self--the patient's opinion of their talents and become "puffed up" with pride. This is the opposite of God's (the Enemy) way which gives Him the credit because man did not create himself, his talents were given to him, and he is to look to others for encouragement with humility (no vanity). God's goal is for the patient to keep his thoughts on Him after repentance and Wormwood's job is to deter the patient's thoughts onto himself at all costs. The devil's job is to keep a Christian's attention inward in a selfish way and not looking toward God or others (outward) in an unselfish way so that they will question God as to where their talents and integrity come from--self-sufficiency or "God dependent." God's way is to look inward first, in an unselfish or self-denying way and then looking outward toward Him and others unselfishly.
I chose chapter 15 because it finalizes the previous chapters by stating that the devil's desired state of mind for humans is tortured fear and stupid confidence so that they are in a constant state of confusion, making unwise choices, continuously looking inward with self-sufficiency. That way the devil can accomplish complete separation from God and others where there is absolutely no more prayer or relationship between the patient, God and others--no repentance, no eternity--the goal is to keep the patient caught up in the future where he does not think about the present day salvation and only immediate gratification and strives for the future where there is no certainty. Pleasure is a biproduct of the sin--lust--whether it be lust for money, power, control, etc. But what actually leads a person into this sin? Could it be lust or a strong desire? God wants man to think of the future as well without losing sight of the present by doing good for Him. Simultaneously, He wants man to be totally free from worry and not to think so hard on the future but to place his faith and trust in Him to secure the future, keeping a Godly conscience.
The devil (Screwtape) looks for any loophole that he can use to bring a person down. For example, God wants our future secured in Him and "agreeable" for the person and the devil wants to use these attributes to set the person up for a fall so that he/she will have no future. By choosing a prime candidate, a person who seeks God's approval and places their hope in the eternal things, the devil wants to set up the person through thinking only of his or herself so that their attention remains off of God and others so that there isn't any good act or obedience in faith that will move God to secure their future. For example, Screwtape (the devil) wants the patient's focus on the War rather than living for the present for himself, not for God's purpose. If the devil can get the patient to concern himself with the present--where the all grace, all knowledge and all pleasure dwell--then the patient is in a state of complacency and stagnates (nothing accomplished). What are your feelings regarding this situation? And, where do you draw the line of accountability for the patient's eternity?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Screwtape Letters - chapters 8-11:
I chose chapter 8 because the author's analogy of humans on terms of their "spirit" and their "animal" nature. What is your comment about humans "as animals inhabit time?" He mentions that their bodies, passions, and imaginations are in continual change and that being in time means to change. And, why do humans fall into "undulation?" Does God allow this or is this happening because of the devil (In this book it is Screwtape.) or what? I agree with Screwtape as far as humans having a "base" nature in that, our flesh is controlled by emotions, bodily functions--needs and desires, and the mind--all components of a person's soul. The spirit is controlled by eternal things--God. So, there is a continual warring between the person's spirit and their flesh daily for the control. I believe that the "dryness" and the "dullness" that humans go through are times of their lives plateauing where God brings them to an area where they get prepared for what is to come or where they need to reflect and assess--remove any barriers within themselves, pray and change anything that needs to be addressed, and achieve closure from the past so that they are ready for God to advance them when it is time. The devil cannot stand for anyone to receive God's love and relationship because humans will not fall prey to him easily or at all. It repulses the devil to see someone surrender their will completely over to God's will and not to Satan's because their soul and spirit flourishes when they do. Screwtape expresses these thoughts of humans when he talks about the Enemy (God). He confirms himself by stating his Father's "war aim" which is to have a world where all other beings are Satan's. The devil uses "troughs" or "low points" in a person's life to break them down where they resort to their "primitive nature" which is doing his will of the flesh or as he states, "turning them into a creature." Then, he can actually get people to believe that they really belong to him. These troughs exploit the person where they are outwardly doing his will and are the devil's advantage. However, people can use this opportunity to pray and use it for God's advantage.